Monday, January 26, 2009

Big Morning

So this morning Carley was throwing her normal morning tantrum but this time she REALLY wanted her cloths and diaper OFF. So I said OK and saw her bolting up stairs and then i heard the toilet flush and all I could think of is Carley quite playing in the toilet!!!! So when I got into the bathroom i noticed that she went pee in her little potty!!!!!!!! All by her self. I put her potty out about three weeks ago and haven't really done anything with it she has liked to sit on it but that s about it. So today to see her use her potty floored me "what a little genius" Here are some pictures of our potty time morning:) She is so cute! *Don't forget to wipe Little One*


familyof5 said...

I love that last pic! Yippee for peeing in the potty Carly!

White Family said...

thats hun she was SOOO cute today!